Clinical Manual of Psychiatry and Law

Image of the book cover for 'Clinical Manual of Psychiatry and Law'
Author: Robert Simon, M.D., Daniel Shuman, J.D.
Affiliation: Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 1585622494
ISBN 13: 9781585622498
eISBN: 9781585626403
Edition: 1st
In their latest collaboration, Clinical Manual of Psychiatry and Law, noted forensic psychiatrist Dr. Robert Simon and legal scholar Daniel Shuman, both recipients of the Guttmacher Award, have created a unique, practical reference to enable psychiatrists to transform the impact of the law on their clinical practices from an adversary to a working partner. Dr. Simon and Professor Shuman clearly explain not only what the law requires and why but how best to integrate its requirements to enhance clinical practice and reduce the risk of successful tort claims. They have written a clear, comprehensible, and accessible volume that will guide practitioners through the thickets of the law and benefit their clinical practices. This volume covers a wide range of topics, from confidentiality, privilege, informed consent and the right to refuse treatment to treatment boundaries, involuntary hospitalization, seclusion and restraint, management of violent as well as suicidal patients, and the additional requirements which apply to the treatment and evaluation of minors or persons with mental disabilities. It also includes the tort (i.e., negligence, intentional harm) claims that arise from a breach of the law's expectations.
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