The Dystonia Patient A Guide To Practical Management This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'The Dystonia Patient'
Author: Michael Okun, MD
Affiliation: University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville
Publisher: Demos
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN 10: 1933864621
ISBN 13: 9781933864624
eISBN: 9781935281153
Edition: 1st
Written by the dystonia team at the University of Florida Movement Disorders Center, this book is designed as a practical and complete guide to the integrated management of the dystonia patient. It provides a current understanding of this common but often poorly appreciated condition and a framework for delivering comprehensive multi and intra-disciplinary care. Individual chapters review medical and surgical strategies, botulinum toxin therapy, and programming issues for deep brain stimulators. The remainder of the book is devoted to the important role of health professionals from various disciplines and what the physician needs to know to direct a successful long-term care team for dystonia patients.
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