Physical Examination Procedures For Advanced Nurses and Independent Prescribers This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Physical Examination Procedures For Advanced Nurses and Independent Prescribers'
Author: Zoë Rawles, BN RGN BSc(Hons), Beth Griffiths, RGN RM BSc(Hons) MSc, Trudy Alexander, RGN SCM BSc(Hons) Nursing Studies BSc(Hons) Nurse Practitioner PGCE
Affiliation: Freelance nurse practitioner and healthcare trainer for HealthTrain in Wales, UK
Publisher: CRC Press
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 0340967587
ISBN 13: 9780340967584
Edition: 1st
A practical overview of the skills and rationale for physical examination, this book is a useful reference for student practitioners in nursing and other non-medical prescribers and is an essential revision aid in the build up to clinical exams. This book provides a quick reference guide to the procedures and skills needed to perform physical examinations of adults, backed up with evidence and clinical guidelines enabling the reader to justify the way they perform each physical examination. A step-by-step checklist for each body system is presented alongside a rationale to aid understanding and reinforce learning, and is followed by case studies to put the information into context. Further sections include integrated examinations, clinical signs and common pathological conditions for each system, self-assessment tests, and appendices containing useful guidelines and reference tables. This is an essential guide for students on specialist and advanced nurse practitioner courses, paramedics, and supplementary and independent prescribers, including nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, and radiographers.
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