Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry'
Author: James Spar, M.D., Asenath Rue, Ph.D.
Affiliation: UCLA
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN 10: 1585621951
ISBN 13: 9781585621958
eISBN: 9781585626533
Edition: 1st
Because limited training in geriatric psychiatry has tended to give insufficient attention to mental health care for the elderly, clinicians often need help when assessing and treating problems specific to older clients. Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry provides a single-volume reference that covers the full range of such problems, from depression to dementia. It shows that psychiatrists working with older people must sometimes be willing to play a generalist's role, combining routine medical management with psychiatric interventions or helping with social or situational problems.
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