Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training'
Author: Robert France
Affiliation: National consultant on high school sports medicine programs.
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN 10: 1435464362
ISBN 13: 9781435464360
eISBN: 9781111784270
Edition: 2nd
INTRODUCTION TO SPORTS MEDICINE & ATHLETIC TRAINING 2E is ideal for individuals interested in athletics and the medical needs of athletes and is the first full-concept book around which an entire course can be created. This book covers Sports Medicine, Athletic Training and Anatomy and Physiology in an easy to understand format that allows the reader to grasp functional concepts of the human boday and then apply this knowledge to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training. Comprehensive chapters on nutrition, sports psychology, kinesiology and therapeutic modalities are also included. Readers will appreciate both the depth of the material covered and the ease in which it is presented.
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