Theoretical Basis for Nursing This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Theoretical Basis for Nursing'
Author: Melanie McEwen, PhD, RN, Evelyn Wills, PhD, RN
Affiliation: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN 10: 1605473235
ISBN 13: 9781605473239
eISBN: 9781469865898
Edition: 3rd
Designed for one of the core courses taught in all graduate nursing programs, this text is the most contemporary, comprehensive, and readable nursing theory textbook on the market. The text presents historical perspectives on the development of nursing theory, assessments of concept and theory development and theory evaluation, middle-range theories, and shared theories from other disciplines in the sociologic, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Case studies and exemplars demonstrate how to apply theory to real-world nursing practice. Learning activities encourage independent and collaborative research and promote critical thinking. Illustrations and end-of-chapter summaries reinforce essential concepts. Internet resources guide students to relevant Web sites.
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