Nursing Informatics And The Foundation Of Knowledge This title has been archived.

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Author: Dee McGonigle, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN, ANEF, Kathleen Mastrian, PhD, RN
Affiliation: Director, Virtual Learning Experiences (VLE), Professor, Graduate Programs, Chamberlain College of Nursing
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2015
ISBN 10: 1284043517
ISBN 13: 9781284043518
eISBN: 9781284041606
Edition: 3rd
Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, Third Edition is an outstanding student resource and guide to the history of healthcare informatics, current issues, basic informatics concepts, and health information management applications. This comprehensive text includes the building blocks of informatics through complicated topics such as data mining, bioinformatics, and system development. The content is enhanced through its grounding in the Foundation of Knowledge Model. The Third Edition has been expanded to include informatics coverage for all levels of nursing practice from a Bachelor's Degree through a DNP degree. As a result, a new chapter on Data Mining as a Research Tool and The Art of Caring in Technology Laden Environments were added to the text. Updates to the Third Edition Include: Research briefs presented in text box format encourage the reader to access current research Informatics related content for the Essentials of Master.
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