Mastering Patient and Family Education A Healthcare Handbook for Success This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Mastering Patient and Family Education'
Author: Lori Marshall, PhD, MSN, RN MPFE.
Publisher: Sigma Theta Tau International
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1940446309
ISBN 13: 9781940446301
eISBN: 9781940446325
Edition: 1st
Mastering Patient and Family Education presents a model that moves PFE to a central part of a health system. Author Lori C. Marshall will guide readers through every step of the process-from building a strong foundation for self-care management, to maximizing knowledge transfers through tools and technology, to establishing a health system approach for patient and family education. Using the tools and resources in this book, nurses and healthcare professionals can better educate patients so they can actively participate in their treatment and ultimately improve outcomes. Coverage includes: - Interprofessional education strategies - Simulation and telehealth for patient education - Augmentative and assistive communication needs - Documentation processes and systems - Creation of a PFE department - Measurements and outcomes.
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