The Emerging Healthcare Leader A Field Guide This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'The Emerging Healthcare Leader'
Author: Laurie Baedke, Natalie Lamberton
Publisher: Health Administration Press
Publication Date: 2015
ISBN 10: 1567937292
ISBN 13: 9781567937299
eISBN: 9781567937893
Edition: 1st
In the ever-changing healthcare environment, the profession of healthcare management needs strong leaders who will rise to the challenges of today and carry organizations into the future. The Emerging Healthcare Leader: A Field Guide is an essential resource as you begin your journey from student to healthcare leader. The authors, executives who achieved great success early in their own healthcare administration careers, offer practical suggestions and share anecdotes, personal stories, and valuable lessons learned from professional experiences over the past decade. This book is organized into three parts: Part I discusses fundamental principles, approaches, behaviors, and perspectives necessary for a successful foundation in healthcare administration and future leadership. Highlights include developing self-awareness, practicing self-management, and exercising self-discipline-keys to creating that solid foundation. Part II expands on the basics of Part I and provides strategies and tactics that help you build and grow your career in the competitive and challenging field of healthcare management. Specifically, you'll learn how to cultivate your personal brand, identify and develop your leadership style, bounce back from failure, establish a networking style best for you, and find or serve as a mentor. Part III provides timeless suggestions for opening doors of career opportunity for yourself-from securing an internship to succeeding in job interviews, landing that first job, and successfully managing your new role in the world of healthcare management. Brimming with refreshing insights and wisdom, this book provides newcomers and industry veterans alike with resources to advance their career. Woven throughout this field guide are "Notes to My 25-Year-Old Self"-candid reflections by prominent healthcare executives who have made significant contributions to the field today.
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