Inspired to Change Improved Patient Care One Story at a Time

Image of the book cover for 'Inspired to Change'
Author: Linda Larin
Publisher: Health Administration Press
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 156793613X
ISBN 13: 9781567936131
eISBN: 9781567937497
Edition: 1st
While many healthcare administrators and leaders are consumed with data, statistics, and day-to-day operations, it is the personal stories that are often the catalyst for immediate action in the world of healthcare. Inspired to Change presents stories of patient care-both heartbreaking and uplifting-and details the reality and impact of those experiences. The perspectives-written by patients, family members, and professional caregivers alike-describe the stress of illness, the leap of faith required in trusting the provider team, and the frustrations of accepting that breakdowns in care sometimes occur. Viewing healthcare from these vantage points reveals that the gaps in patient care are caused by a variety of factors, including poor hand-offs, miscommunication, and the expectations of patients and families as they navigate among the siloes within the system. And yet, as illustrated in many of the stories, patient care is beginning to change for the better. Story themes include: - Reflections of regret - The importance of recognizing patients and families as active partners in their care Lessons that were learned-and lessons that need to be taught-by and about being a family member, a patient, an administrator, and a physician - Staff who went above and beyond to provide an exceptional experience for patients and their families Inspired to Change focuses on why patient- and family-centered care is important and how professional caregivers must embrace this approach to improve clinical outcomes and the patient and family experience. Each chapter begins with a synopsis of opportunities for improvement that can help transform and redesign the healthcare delivery model of the future. Each chapter concludes with lessons learned, useful resources, and recommended reading for improving the delivery of patient care.
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