Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host'
Author: Randall Hayden, Karen Carroll, Yi-Wei Tang, Donna Wolk
Affiliation: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Memphis, TN
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN 10: 1555813976
ISBN 13: 9781555813970
eISBN: 9781555815455
Edition: 1st
Over the past twenty-five years, the number of patients with compromised immune systems has grown astronomically. High-risk patients such as these require a unique set of healthcare solutions that take into consideration everything from the etiology and degree of immune suppression to the individual patient's nutritional status. This comprehensive volume, assembled by a group of distinguished authors, examines a wide range of approaches and challenges to infectious disease diagnostics for immunocompromised patients. Divided into four sections, the book takes a multifaceted approach to the detection and characterization of infections encountered in this high-risk patient group. The first section provides a broad explanation of the causes of immune suppression, the populations at risk for infections, and the various kinds of infections. The next section addresses crucial laboratory diagnostic methods for individual pathogens, while the third section takes a more systematic perspective on the affected organs in immunocompromised patients. The volume concludes with a discussion of future trends in the field. The material is clearly summarized in practical, user-friendly procedures that can be applied to everyday patient care challenges. This book will be an indispensable reference for laboratory professionals, infectious disease physicians, oncologists, and other healthcare providers who care for immunocompromised patients. Key Features
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