Essential Clinical Procedures This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Essential Clinical Procedures'
Author: Richard Dehn, MPA, PA-C, David Asprey, PhD, PA-C
Affiliation: Northern Arizona University Phoenix Biomedical Campus, Phoenix, AZ
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 1455707813
ISBN 13: 9781455707812
eISBN: 9781455723065
Edition: 3rd
Written by foremost experts in the field, the 3rd Edition of Essential Clinical Procedures presents the latest common diagnostic and treatment-related procedures that you need to know as a physician assistant! Clear and concise, this medical reference book leads you step-by-step through over 70 techniques commonly seen in primary care and specialist settings, equipping you to deliver the best and safest care to your patients. New to this edition Understand the "must-know" aspects of the most commonly seen conditions with a systematic presentation featuring consistent headings and supporting color images. Quickly access core information through high-yield margin notes and consistent formatting across all chapters. Elsevier does not support Expert Consult access for institutional customers.
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