Professional Skills For The Pharmacy Technician This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Professional Skills For The Pharmacy Technician'
Author: Stephanie Peshek, PharmD, FASHP
Affiliation: Associate Professor, LECOM School of Pharmacy, Bradenton, Florida
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 1449629822
ISBN 13: 9781449629823
eISBN: 9781449629830
Edition: 1st
Professional Skills for the Pharmacy Technician addresses skills that facilitate interprofessional interactions in the workplace and increase safety in pharmacies by improving communication. This resource discusses topics dealing with interpersonal relationships, conflicts, training of new employees, management and supervision within the technician ranks, and the importance of the technician role within the healthcare system. Additional topics include patient safety, professionalism, organizational culture, ethics, human resources/labor relations, cultural competence, negotiation and emotional intelligence, customer service, substance abuse, security/risk management, career management, inventory management, and technology. This accessible text will help students understand the background and history behind policies and workplace decisions. The real-life case studies and discussion questions promote a review of the reasoning behind good and bad decisions, to enable healthcare workers to make more educated decisions.
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