HEARING AID HANDBOOK 2008–2009 This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'HEARING AID HANDBOOK 2008–2009'
Author: Jeffrey DiGiovanni
Affiliation: Ohio University
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2008
ISBN 10: 1418051985
ISBN 13: 9781418051983
Edition: 1st
This first-of-its-kind desk reference on hearing aids gives unprecedented access to the major hearing aid manufacturers and their product lines, in a convenient at-a-glance format. Nine major manufacturers are profiled, in alphabetical order, with background information on each company including history, research and development, philanthropic activity, and warranty information. This compendium of hearing aid information is a must-own for audiologists, hearing scientists, and anyone involved in the hearing aid industry.
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