What is Psychology? Foundations, Applications, and Integration This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'What is Psychology?'
Author: Ellen Pastorino, Susann Doyle-Portillo
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1305088743
ISBN 13: 9781305088740
eISBN: 9781305537774
Edition: 3rd
What Is Psychology? Foundations, Applications, And Integration includes some of the most effective features from each of Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo's previous two books, as well as new and innovative features to excite readers about the field of psychology. Organized around the foundational areas of psychology, the book incorporates the authors' successful and engaging approach, which captures readers' curiosity from the first page to the last. The parts open with attention-grabbing case studies that are threaded throughout all of the chapters of the section, providing a view of the content that is both integrated and applied to real life.
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