An Overview of the Human Services

Image of the book cover for 'An Overview of the Human Services'
Author: Kristi Kanel
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1285465105
ISBN 13: 9781285465104
eISBN: 9781305445239
Edition: 2nd
This practical, easy-to-read guide provides a nuts-and-bolts overview of the field as well as a glimpse of what readers can expect when working in human services. Because the field encompasses many career opportunities, skills, and client populations, this text also helps readers decide which specialty is right for them. AN OVERVIEW OF THE HUMAN SERVICES, 2nd Edition, provides a look at human services agencies, jobs, workers, and populations served; a clear analysis of the major theories of causality; and helpful special chapters on such important topics as ethics and stress management. It also prepares readers for a future in human services by challenging them to become active learners via self-reflection, case studies, real-world scenarios, applied and experiential activities, and inventories.
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