Contemporary Nursing Knowledge Analysis And Evaluation of Nursing Models and Theories

Image of the book cover for 'Contemporary Nursing Knowledge'
Author: Jacqueline Fawcett, PhD, FAAN, Susan Desanto-Madeya, PhD, RN
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN 10: 0803627653
ISBN 13: 9780803627659
eISBN: 9780803637948
Edition: 3rd
What is nursing? What do nurses do? How do you define it? The 3rd Edition of this AJN Book-of-the-Year Award-Winner helps you answer those questions with a unique approach to the scientific basis of nursing knowledge. Using conceptual models, grand theories, and middle-range theories as guidelines you will learn about the current state and future of nurse educators, nurse researchers, nurse administrators, and practicing nurses.
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