Diseases and Disorders This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Diseases and Disorders'
Author: Marilyn Sommers, RN, PhD, FAAN, Susan Johnson, RN, PhD, Theresa Beery, PhD, RN
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 0803613377
ISBN 13: 9780803613379
Edition: 3rd
In a concise format, this handbook allows nurses and students to quickly find –– and understand –– information on disorders so they can effectively plan nursing care. Offering a clear but comprehensive discussion of pathophysiology, and providing rationales in the medications and laboratory sections, Diseases and Disorders will help students understand the scientific basis for the nursing care patients need. It is an excellent reference for students transitioning from classroom to clinical settings and nurses working in community and clinical settings.
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