The New Leadership Challenge CREATING THE FUTURE OF NURSING This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'The New Leadership Challenge'
Author: Sheila Grossman, PhD, APRN-BC, Theresa Valiga, EdD, RN, FAAN
Affiliation: Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN 10: 0803612583
ISBN 13: 9780803612587
Edition: 2nd
In an easy-to-read, interactive and concise format the authors provide the characteristics of a leader and a follower, and how and when to use each of these roles to achieve personal and professional success. Everyone has leadership abilities and The New Leadership Challenge, 2nd Edition helps nurses explore their personal characteristics and identify areas for improvement. The New Leadership Challenge, 2nd Edition is an important text that provides nurses with the tools necessary to advance their careers. Grossman and Valiga's book will inspire and motivate nurses to become leaders in a challenging, demanding, and changing health care system.
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