Cases In Clinical Medicine

Image of the book cover for 'Cases In Clinical Medicine'
Author: Pamela Moyers Scott, PA-C, MPAS, DFAAPA
Affiliation: Editorial board member for ADVANCE for Physician Assistants
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN 10: 0763771805
ISBN 13: 9780763771805
eISBN: 9781449618667
Edition: 1st
Cases in Clinical Medicine has been especially prepared to aid physician assistant students in the didactic and clinical portion of medical training. This text utilizes case-based learning (CBL) to teach students about clinical conditions by providing a brief case scenario in which the student must assimilate analytical skills with medical knowledge to solve the problem. The CBL method closely simulates the actual practice of medicine to aid students in their preparation for clinical practice. Cases in Clinical Medicine provides students with a patient vignette followed by a series of multiple choice questions regarding the next most appropriate course of action. These questions follow the familiar S.O.A.P. (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) format and require the student to determine and justify which additional aspects of the patient's history, physical examination, and diagnostic studies are essential to perform on the case patient. Case studies are followed by three to five choices for the student to select to provide additional historical components, diagnostic studies, diagnosis, and treatment options related to the case. After receiving appropriate feedback via the discussion section, the student is then required to select and defend the patient's most likely diagnosis. Finally, the student is required to determine the most appropriate therapy for the patient. The cases are written with the physician assistant student in mind, however this text is also appropriate for medical and nurse practitioner students. Cases in Clinical Medicine is also a helpful resource to assist students as they prepare for the initial PANCE/PANRE. This book is divided into 10 chapters based on organ system and corresponds with the blueprint established for the National Commission on the Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) for the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE).
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