The Clinical Nurse Specialist Handbook

Image of the book cover for 'The Clinical Nurse Specialist Handbook'
Author: Patti Zuzelo, EdD, RN, MSN, ACNS-BC
Affiliation: La Salle University School of Nursing and Health Sciences - Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 0763761141
ISBN 13: 9780763761141
eISBN: 9781449618179
Edition: 2nd
The Clinical Nurse Specialist Handbook, Second Edition is a comprehensive resource designed exclusively for clinical nurse specialists. Completely revised and updated, it delves more deeply into topics covered in the first edition, winner of the 2007 AJN Book of the Year award. As the CNS role continues to evolve, opportunities and challenges will emerge. Readers gain valuable insight and learn effective strategies to manage the day-to-day responsibilities and complexities associated with continuous quality improvement, patient safety initiatives, chairing meetings, and teaching. The text provides practical advice using real-world CNS scenarios to facilitate learning and positively influence care outcomes. It also contains information and tools to help students expand their knowledge and succeed professionally. Chapters address issues such as workplace violence, professional and personal development, and performance appraisal. The book's conversational approach masters complex topic discussions and thoroughly engages readers. It serves as a valuable resource for CNS graduate students and faculty as well as new-to-practice CNSs, providing: Practical suggestions, resources, and examples Case studies of real-life hospital situations.
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