Advanced Medical Field Guide

Image of the book cover for 'Advanced Medical Field Guide'
Author: Randy Price, NREMT-P
Affiliation: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 0763758787
ISBN 13: 9780763758783
eISBN: 9781449609870
Edition: 1st
Designed specifically for ALS providers dealing with medical conditions ranging from stroke and cardiovascular issues, seizures, and respiratory disorders, to metabolic conditions and endocrine emergencies, the Advanced Medical Field Guide is a quick reference that will focus on how to identify the myriad of medical problems encountered by prehospital providers. The field guide lists the management techniques associated with treating victims of medical emergencies, includes a pharmacological section identifying the various medications used to manage medical conditions, and offers a quick reference Assessment section listing exam items used to identify medical problems.
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