Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care'
Author: Kathleen Motacki, MSN, RN, BC, Kathleen Burke, PhD, RN
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN 10: 0323321097
ISBN 13: 9780323321099
eISBN: 9780323321150
Edition: 2nd
With a strong focus on the key areas included on the NCLEX-RN Exam’s "management of care" section, Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 2nd Edition prepares you to successfully prioritize, assign, and delegate nursing care to other members of the health care team. It provides the latest information on the roles and responsibilities of the staff nurse related to the management of patient care, the core competencies required of the nurse caring for patients, as well as a wide range of leadership and management concepts nurses need to confidently manage patients within a hospital unit. This new edition is organized according to the new 2014 Magnet Standards of Practice to help you learn the skills and competencies magnet status hospitals require when hiring nurses.
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