Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span This title has been archived.

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Author: Carole Edelman, GCNS-BC, CMC, Elizabeth Kudzma, DNSC, MPH, RNC, Carol Mandle, PhD, CNS, FNP†
Affiliation: Private Practice, Westport, CT
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN 10: 0323091415
ISBN 13: 9780323091411
eISBN: 9780323277891
Edition: 8th
With the advent of health care reform and an emphasis on reducing health care costs, health promotion and disease prevention is a priority in nursing care. Be prepared with Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 8th Edition, your comprehensive guide to major health promotion concepts. Featuring practical guidance - including boxes on diversity awareness, evidence-based practice, innovative practice, hot topics, and quality and safety as well as case studies and care plans - our experienced authors give you all the tools you need to stay current on the latest research and trends in health promotion.
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