Gapenski's Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance

Image of the book cover for 'Gapenski's Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance'
Author: Kristin Reiter, Paula Song
Publisher: Health Administration Press
Publication Date: 2018
ISBN 10: 1567939759
ISBN 13: 9781567939750
eISBN: 9781567939774
Edition: 3rd
In today's evolving healthcare environment, astute financial management is more important than ever to an organization's economic well-being. Leaders throughout the enterprise not just financial managers but clinical and operational managers, too must have a solid grounding in finance to be able to improve care and deliver value. Gapenski's Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles and applications of healthcare finance that managers use daily. In clear and succinct language, the book provides readers from students and entry-level managers to more experienced practitioners with newly added management or financial responsibilities with a detailed overview of finance topics ranging from planning and budgeting to financial operations, capital investment, and risk analysis. Practice scenarios, examples, self-test questions, sidebars on financial practices in healthcare, and running glossary definitions help bring these topics to life. This book's original author, Louis C. Gapenski, PhD, was recognized both nationally and internationally as an expert in healthcare finance. In this new edition, authors Kristin L. Reiter and Paula H. Song further refine Dr. Gapenski's concepts and teachings. In addition to updated examples and statistics, this edition includes new or expanded information on: current community benefit reporting requirement, service line costing, applications of capital investment decision analysis, international financial reporting standards, Not-for- profit accounting standards, financial accounting, and Healthcare legislation. Gapenski's Fundamentals of healthcare Finance equips readers with the knowledge, vocabulary, and understanding they need to interpret financial data and to communicate and work effectively with finance leaders in their organizations.
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