Neoplastic Mimics in Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Neoplastic Mimics in Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology'
Author: Vickie Jo, MD, Jason Hornick, MD, PhD
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 1620700514
ISBN 13: 9781620700518
eISBN: 9781617052163
Edition: 1st
Neoplastic mimics or "pseudotumors" can simulate neoplasms on all levels of analysis--clinical, radiologic, and pathologic--and thus represent particular diagnostic pitfalls for the pathologist that can ultimately lead to therapeutic misdirection. This book, which contains more than 300 images, provides the pathologist with detailed morphologic descriptions and diagnostic guidance in recognizing these neoplastic mimics as they occur in the soft tissues and bones. In addition, descriptions and diagnostic guidance are provided for the range of lesions that are considered benign neoplasms but may mimic malignant tumors. Throughout the book comparisons of neoplastic mimics with true neoplasms (and benign neoplasms with sarcomas) are provided, at clinical, gross, and histologic levels. In the presentation of every entity, the points that contribute to differential diagnosis are emphasized. Every pathologist who sees soft tissue and bone cases will find this book an invaluable working tool to ensure accurate diagnosis.
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