Delmar's Fundamental & Advanced Nursing Skills This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Delmar's Fundamental & Advanced Nursing Skills'
Author: Gaylene Altman, RN, PhD
Affiliation: University of Washington, Seattle
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN 10: 1401810691
ISBN 13: 9781401810696
Edition: 2nd
Focusing on need-to-know information, this fully revised full-color edition equips nurses with the skills they will need to survive and thrive in today's changing health care world. Using a straight-forward approach, organized around the nursing process, the second edition of Delmar's Fundamental & Advanced Nursing Skills, 2E provides a great resource for any nurse from the hospital to the home. New skills on topics such as male genitalia examination, maintaining skeletal traction and skeletal traction pin care provide additional clarity on vital topics. Delegation Considerations indicate where a nurse must be careful about delegating or supervising a task with an unlicensed assistive aide. Special Considerations highlight those situations where a potentially critically situation may emerge;this helps nurses identify and avoid crises.
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