Statistics for Health Care Management and Administration Working with Excel This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Statistics for Health Care Management and Administration'
Author: John Kros, David Rosenthal
Affiliation: JFK Consulting
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN 10: 111871265X
ISBN 13: 9781118712658
eISBN: 9781118712641
Edition: 3rd
The must-have statistics guide for students of health services Statistics for Health Care Management and Administration is a unique and invaluable resource for students of health care administration and public health. The book introduces students to statistics within the context of health care, focusing on the major data and analysis techniques used in the field. All hands-on instruction makes use of Excel, the most common spreadsheet software that is ubiquitous in the workplace. This new third edition has been completely retooled, with new content on proportions, ANOVA, linear regression, chi-squares, and more, Step-by-step instructions in the latest version of Excel and numerous annotated screen shots make examples easy to follow and understand.
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