Fast Facts for the Cardiac Surgery Nurse Caring for Cardiac Surgery Patients

Image of the book cover for 'Fast Facts for the Cardiac Surgery Nurse'
Author: Tanya Hodge, MS, RN, CNS, CCRN, CNRN
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN 10: 0826136494
ISBN 13: 9780826136497
eISBN: 9780826136527
Edition: 3rd
The newly-revised third edition of Fast Facts for the Cardiac Surgery Nurse provides quick access to information and guidelines that all nurses caring for cardiac patients need to know and use daily. While providing information for all aspects of care, it strongly focuses on postoperative risk management, which is where the nurse can really make a difference and improve care. The third edition provides a special emphasis on patient safety. Ideal for new graduates and nurses who are considering a switch to cardiac care and critical care, it re-enforces the existing knowledge of these highly specialized nurses and provides structure to help develop additional skills. This `must-have' pocket reference tool contains frequently utilized information that is presented in the clear, precise, and pertinent Fast Facts format. In addition to being completely updated with the newest clinical practice information, it also includes new coverage of risk factors for stroke, thoracic aortic aneurysms, and congenital heart disease.
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