Health Equity A Solutions-Focused Approach

Image of the book cover for 'Health Equity'
Author: K. Smalley, PhD, PsyD, MBA, Jacob Warren, PhD, MBA, CRA, M. Fernández, PhD
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN 10: 0826177239
ISBN 13: 9780826177230
eISBN: 9780826177247
Edition: 1st
Health Equity: A Solutions-Focused Approach is a comprehensive textbook that illustrates existing conditions of health disparities across a range of populations in the United States, positions those disparities within the broader sociopolitical framework that leads to their existence, and most importantly, presents specific ways in which health equity solutions can be designed and implemented. Presenting current theoretical foundations, cultural context, and evidence-based models and interventions all in one, this textbook provides students with the basis to achieve greater health equity in their communities. Edited by award-winning authors and featuring contributions from diverse experts in public health, sociology, psychology, and medicine, this groundbreaking text goes beyond a traditional approach to risk factors and disparities and emphasizes the central role that health equity initiatives must play in public health research and practice.
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