Radiology Strategies

Image of the book cover for 'Radiology Strategies'
Author: Julia Fielding
Affiliation: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN 10: 0195371194
ISBN 13: 9780195371192
eISBN: 9780190208257
Edition: 1st
As physicians become more dependent upon radiologic tests for information, it is imperative that they have correct information on how and when to order them. Radiology Strategies is designed to help the medical student and non-radiology practitioner learn to make effective use of radiologic tests based on a patient's signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms for the most commonly encountered disease processes are covered in clinical vignettes that systematically discuss: case history; background; test rationale; test of choice; radiologic images demonstrating the findings that make the diagnosis; and evidence-based references. Introductory chapters cover radiation safety; use of contrast agents; how a radiologic test can be chosen effectively based on specificity, accuracy, and pre-test likelihood of disease; and general guidelines on when and why to choose a particular imaging modality (i.e., CT, MRI, plain film). Quick reference features such as decision algorithms, an index of common signs and symptoms and a convenient two-page spread that ensures concise, at-a-glance coverage of topics make this an indispensible study aid as well as a quick reference handbook in the clinic and on the ward.
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