Transforming Presence This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Transforming Presence'
Author: Margaret Newman, RN, PhD, FAAN
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2008
ISBN 10: 0803617526
ISBN 13: 9780803617520
eISBN: 9780803620506
Edition: 1st
This paradigm shift in the nurse-patient dynamic sees health as the pattern of the whole, and disease not as a separate entity, but as a manifestation of the evolving pattern of person-environment interaction. Health is not the absence of disease, but expanding consciousness, a process of becoming more of oneself, of finding greater meaning in life, and of reaching new dimensions of connectedness with other people and the world. Dr. Newman's work focuses on allowing people to explore how their lives are changing in the midst of disease and disorder ... and how a patient may begin to look at life in a different way. Nurses practicing within this perspective experience the joy of participating in the expanding process of others and find that their own lives are enhanced and transformed.
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