Practical Neuroangiography This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Practical Neuroangiography'
Author: P. Morris, MB, BCh
Affiliation: Wake Forest University School of Medicine; Winston-Salem, NC
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 0781765153
ISBN 13: 9780781765152
Edition: 2nd
Practical Neuroangiography, Second Edition is a complete, concise, current, practical, and richly illustrated guide to diagnostic and interventional neuroangiography and neurovascular disease. Techniques and safety chapters take readers through the actual hands-on experience in the angiography suite and specifically address issues concerning patient safety, radiation protection, complications, and outcome. Subsequent chapters describe and illustrate the entire gamut of neurovascular anatomy, anatomic variants, and pathology to help readers interpret neuroangiographic studies.
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