Journey Across the Life Span This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Journey Across the Life Span'
Author: Elaine Polan, RNC, MS, PhD, Daphne Taylor, RN, MS
Affiliation: Vocational Education and Extension Board, Uniondale, NY
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 0803615930
ISBN 13: 9780803615939
Edition: 3rd
Polan and Taylor's Journey Across the Life Span was the first growth and development text designed specificallylicensed practical nurses. With their new third edition, they continue to provide the most reliable and comprehensive content for applying health promotion to the clinical setting. This user-friendly updated edition includes new photos and illustrations, and expanded resources for educators to guide students to better understand the demands of their future roles with patients through all stages of the life cycle.
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