Challenging Cases in Pediatric Infectious Diseases This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Challenging Cases in Pediatric Infectious Diseases'
Author: Keith Powell, MD, FAAP
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
Publication Date: 2007
ISBN 10: 1581101856
ISBN 13: 9781581101850
eISBN: 9781581104288
Edition: 1st
Sharpen your diagnostic skills! Test and enhance your diagnostic know-how with this new collection of 50 high-interest case studies written by the Chair of the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases. Each is based on a real-life case and includes: A detailed description of patient presentation Evaluation and management questions to gauge your upfront knowledge Step-by-step diagnostic procedures and considerations including differential diagnosis Proven treatment and management recommendations for the diagnosed condition Illustrated with more than 130 full-color photos and radiographs, the reports target diverse signs and symptoms occurring in children from birth through adolescence. The case-based format makes this a superb learning and training tool for residents and other clinicians.
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