Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities'
Author: Barbara Connolly, EdD, PT, FAPTA, Patricia Montgomery, PhD, PT, FAPTA
Affiliation: University of Tennessee, Memphis
Publisher: Slack Incorporated
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN 10: 1556426240
ISBN 13: 9781556426247
eISBN: 9781617111341
Edition: 3rd
Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities, Second Edition is a unique book for pediatric physical therapy. The purpose of this groundbreaking book is to integrate theory, assessment, and treatment using functional outcomes and a problem solving approach. This innovative book is written using a problem solving approach as opposed to specific intervention approaches. The chapters integrate case studies of four children and the application of principles discussed throughout the book as they apply to the children. The book opens with an overview of neural organization and movement, which begins natural progression for the rest of the book. Remaining chapters focus on organizing treatment sessions, addressing impairments, educational environment, the neonatal intensive care unit, and research. An essential element to Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities, Second Edition is its focus on functional limitations of the child, possibly the most important aspect of successful intervention. These factors make this book user-friendly for the beginning learner and practical for the practicing clinician.
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