Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine A GUIDE TO CONSULTATION-LIASON PSYCHIATRY This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine'
Author: Michael Wise, M.D., James Rundell, M.D.
Affiliation: University of California, Davis
Publisher: American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN 10: 158562201X
ISBN 13: 9781585622016
eISBN: 9781585626618
Edition: 1st
More concise, practical, and clinically oriented than other available texts, Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine: A Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry is designed to aid today's busy clinicians with bedside and office consultation. This manual presents the distilled wisdom of two highly experienced consultation-liaison psychiatrists and includes many illustrative figures and tables that offer quick, easy access to critical information about how to diagnose and treat psychiatric disorders in patients who have, or believe they have, other medical disorders. The authors of Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine begin by summarizing how to do effective psychiatric consultation in a changing health care environment, citing key trends such as managed health care, reallocation of health care resources, medical care, and psychiatric consultation's shift from inpatient to outpatient settings, and to multidisciplinary teams.
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