PROFESSIONALISM IN HEALTH CARE This title has been archived.

Image of the book cover for 'PROFESSIONALISM IN HEALTH CARE'
Author: Sherry Makely, PhD, R.T.(R)
Affiliation: Clarian Health System
Publisher: Pearson Health Science
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN 10: 0135153875
ISBN 13: 9780135153871
eISBN: 9780135077535
Edition: 3rd
Regardless of job title, every healthcare worker must understand the importance of professionalism. Hands-on technical skills remain a high priority in healthcare, but good character, a strong work ethic, sound personal traits, and appropriate behaviors are just as important. This practical book presents these topics in an interactive format and is an essential resource for aspiring healthcare professionals of all kinds. It focuses on the “soft skills” (rather than on the hands-on technical skills) that are needed to perform in a professional, ethical, legal, and competent manner, regardless of one's job function/position. .
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